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Alabama Virtual Library

Use the Britannica School-Elementary, Gale Kids InfoBits, and Pebble Go databases to look up information about thunderstorms and tornadoes to complete your graphic organizers. Click on the link for the Alabama Virtual Library below. At the top, select student resources, and from there, click on elementary school.Once you do that, all of the databases will be on your screen. Click on the name of the database that you would like to use. 

Britannica School-Elementary-EncyclopediaAt the top, there is a search bar with a maganifying glass beside it, type in thunderstorm. The encyclopedia article on thunderstorms will give you pictures, a video, facts about thunderstorms, information on how they form, and ways to be safe. If you use thunderstorms as your search term, it will guide you to use thunderstorm instead. 

Thunderstorm. (2017). In Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved from

Type tornado in the search bar to find the same information in an encyclopedia article about tornadoes. If you use tornadoes as your search term, it will guide you to use tornado instead. 

Tornado. (2017). In Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved from

Gale Kids InfoBits: Click on this database, and from there, click science. When the science menu pops up, select weather and climate. Look at the list, and select your weather event. Books, pictures, videos, magazine articles, and news articles are present for both thunderstorms and tornadoes. Scan through each to find the information that you are looking for!  

Pebble Go: First, click on this database. Second, click on science. Third, click on earth and space sciences. Fourth, click on weather. Fifth, click on extreme weather. Thunderstorms and tornadoes will both be under extreme weather. Tabs for each weather event contain videos, tell how these weather events form, and provide ways to stay safe.  

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